Alabamian’s work honored with Library of America volume| DON NOBLE

Don Noble

It is important to understand what an honor it is to be published by the Library of America.

This nonprofit institution began publishing what is widely regarded as the canon of American literature in 1982. Edmund Wilson, among others, feared that our nation’s best, most important, literature would be lost if not properly edited and made available.

The volumes are beautiful, with sewn binding, readable type and paper that will last for centuries.

The first five volumes were books by Herman Melville, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Walt Whitman, Harriet Beecher Stowe and Mark Twain.

There are over 300 volumes now, and Albert Murray is, in my opinion, the only Alabamian to have his own volume. Even Pulitzer Prize winners T.S. Stribling, Harper Lee and Shirley Ann Grau are not yet included.






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