American Rescue Plan: How to receive additional months of rental assistance

The economy in the United States is slowly starting to recover, yet there are millions of citizens who face uncertainty due to large amounts of rental debt, the fear of being evicted and the absence of basic housing security.

The affordable housing crisis in the USA has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, with the differences in society having been widened as a result of people losing their jobs and having serious financial strains put upon them.

In order to try and provide some help for those who need it most, the Emergency Rental Assistance program has provided funding to assist households that are having problems when it comes to paying rent or utilities.

The ERA1 has made 25 billion dollars available as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, while the ERA2 has made 21.55 billion dollars available as part of the American Rescue Plan Act, 2021.

This money has gone directly to states, US territories, local governments and, in the case of the ERA1 program, Indian tribes. Anyone receiving the funds is able to use this as part of the existing or newly created rental assistance programs.

Applying for rental assistance

In order to get some financial support with regard to rental assistance, you can go onto the Consumer Finance website to find what rental assistance programs are on offer where you live.

You simply have to select the state or territory that you are living in, then you can opt to select the county. From there, you will see the program name(s) pop up and a link that will take you to the program itself, where you will find more information about what is on offer and how to apply.

In total there are 511 rental assistance programs available in the USA, so you should find one that is relevant to you.






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