An easy, healthy recipe for creamy vegan mint dip with sunflower seeds

Whether you are following a health protocol or not, one must start considering adding seeds to their regular meals. Just like millets, seeds, too, are a powerhouse of nutrition.

I am often asked about the seed cycle, right ways to club seeds with our millet platters, and how much should one be consuming in a day. While there are many theories and many plans, I am will share some interesting ideas that can help you add seeds to your regular meal plans.

If you are starting your day with a smoothie or juice, seeds can add volume as well as nutrition. I love to add seeds to my millet Ambali every time I make it. A dash of pumpkin and flax seeds on one set of days and sesame and sunflower seeds on the rest of the days help me follow the seed cycle. Remember that if you are or have been a gluten lover and and someone who regularly consumes commercially processed foods, an inflamed gut won’t let the nutrients from seeds flow in the bloodstream, no matter how you add them to your everyday food. Millet and seeds go hand in hand.

You can also add seeds to your salads, podis, chutneys and paratha, puri doughs and even to your sourdough breads! In fact, I enjoyed adding seeds as stuffing to Himachali siddu last time I made it. Many Indian recipes can be customised and seeds can be added. Even dosa batters, samosa stuffing, desserts like halwa, puddings, sauces, barbecue veggies, premixes and dips can have seeds of your choice. They do change the textures but the best part is, if you know the science behind cooking with millets, you would also know how beautifully you can tweak a recipe with a slight addition of seeds.

Today, I am sharing a simple vegan dip with mint and sunflower seeds. I enjoy adding seeds to sautéed veggies and steamed veggies, too. This creamy mint dip will give you a fair idea of how easy it is to follow the seed cycle and try more recipes.



· 100 gm fresh mint leaves with stem
· ¼ cups Sunflower seeds
· 1-2 pickled carissa (karonda)
· ½ tsp pomegranate seeds powder
· Rock salt to taste
· 1-2 green chillies


With optimum water, blend everything together in a mixer jar. Club it with your millet bowls, millet kebabs, as a dressing with your millet salads and more.

Shalini Rajani is the founder of Crazy Kadchi and holds innovative Millets Cooking Workshops and Sourdough Baking Workshops for all age groups.

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