Comedy clubs rethink their security measures after Will Smith’s Oscars slap

As the industry reels from Smith’s attack, which has elicited stinging and angry rebukes from A-list comics such as Kathy Griffin ,who tweeted, “Now we all have to worry about who wants to be the next Will Smith in comedy clubs and theaters” and Joe Rogan, who said on his podcast that it “sets a terrible precedent for comedy clubs”, the live-comedy gatekeepers are reevaluating security protocol while bracing for whatever com

es next.

In a recent article by THR, Laugh Factory owner and CEO Jamie Masada, Smith’s reaction is indicative of a general mood shift in the stand-up comedy world. Masada has noticed a shift in the atmosphere of his clubs since they reopened to the public, first to a limited capacity in March 2021 and then to full capacity about six months ago.

Masada was concerned enough about the safety of his comics prior to the Will Smith slap that he hired an extra security guard at the Hollywood club. Flagg had done the same thing in Chicago. However, the Smith attack has triggered additional changes.

Nothing as violent as Smith’s slap

Not all club owners are as concerned as others. Noam Dworman, owner of the Comedy Cellar in New York City and Las Vegas, has seen his fair share of upheaval, having hosted Louis C.K.’s first stand-up sets after the comedian admitted to sexual misconduct in 2018.

However, Dworman hasn’t noticed an increase in audience misbehavior at his clubs in the run-up to the Academy Awards, and he doubts Smith’s attack will inspire others to follow suit. “We’ve had audience members offended at personal jokes and who have had tiffs over the years. But very, very rarely have they [turned physical].” He said to THR.

It should be noted that some comedy club owners are opting to not only follow the Covid-19 measures, but also implement better security and even metal detectors at the entrance, as both owners interviewed by THR have noticed that the pandemic has put a lot of people on edge, and react aggressively when addressed by comics onstage.






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