Democrats resolve to diversify presidential nominating calendar

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Democrats tasked with setting the presidential primary calendar appeared intent on diversifying the process — either by removing Iowa from its first-in-the-nation position or adding other states into the mix — at a Friday meeting.

No formal proposal was made, but a panel of the Democratic National Committee discussed a broad framework its members hoped would govern which states are selected to lead off the process.

Currently, Iowa’s caucuses kick off the nominating calendar, followed by contests in New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina. No other state is allowed to hold a presidential primary or caucus before the first Tuesday in March.

Mo Elleithee, a member of the DNC’s Rules and Bylaws Committee, has been an outspoken proponent of changing that early window in a way that favors primaries over caucuses and emphasizes diverse states and battleground states that will help Democrats win in general election contests.






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