Examining economic freedom with Daniel Smith

  • David Plazas is the director of opinion and engagement for the USA TODAY Network Tennessee.

As policy makers, economists and commentators talk about ways to curb inflation, provide affordable housing and stimulate economic growth, the discussion often revolves around how much government intervention and regulations should there be.

Do more taxes mean better public services or do they dis-incent investment and spending?  What does economic freedom really mean and how can it be achieved to create better outcomes for all citizens?

On this episode of the Tennessee Voices podcast, I tackled these issues with Daniel Smith, professor of economics and director of the Political Economy Research Institute at Middle Tennessee State University.

Daniel Smith, Director of Political Economy Research Institute; Associate Professor in Economics and Finance

He discussed market competition and why lawmakers need to be careful before regulating Big Tech companies such as Facebook, Google or Twitter.

Smith grew up in rural Michigan and began exploring his interest into why some people make more money than others do. 

That helped shape his future studies and philosophy as well as his preference for more economic freedom and fewer government regulations.






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