Though the devastating attack on Ukrainian soil seems like a world away, it’s hitting a lot closer to home for one Tallahassee resident.
Anastasiia Vlasenko became emotional at the thought of not having a home to go back to. The 31-year-old’s future hangs in the balance along with that of her husband, Illia, a web designer, and their 5-month-old son as the clock winds down on her and her husband’s visas.
Vlasenko and her husband came to the United States in 2014 as a Fulbright scholar to attend New York University. In 2016, she was admitted to Florida State University’s graduate program and is now obtaining her doctorate in political science.
Her expectation to return to Ukraine in August with a degree in hand and a job ready to start were altered in a matter of hours after the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, ordered a military invasion of Ukraine last week.
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The attack has left a trail of debris and rubble with an expected high death toll to follow.
“I honestly don’t know what’s going to happen to my family and to me,” Vlasenko said. “Here in Tallahassee, it was supposed to be my last year and I was supposed to go back to Ukraine. But by the time I have to go back, if Ukraine doesn’t exist, I really don’t know what I’m doing.”
For now, the safety of her loved ones back home is a minute-by-minute concern. The Russian Army is currently attacking the capital city, Kyiv, the city where Vlasenko’s family resides.
With attacks taking place just four miles from her parents’ apartment, Vlasenko checks on their safety through the internet and daily phone calls. In the event that internet connection is lost, Vlasenko will use a cable number to call every day, “hoping that there will be someone standing next to that phone.”
She found herself holding back tears as she explained the severity of her family’s situation. A grandmother with limited mobility and a sister-in-law with three young boys, ranging from 2 to 9 years old, makes it nearly impossible to flee the country.
Those fleeing the country consist of mostly women and children. Men aged 18 to 65 years old are prohibited from leaving the country to stay and fight.
“On the first day of attack,” Vlasenko said, “They familiarized themselves with shelters nearby. For now, they still have water, electricity, and internet.”
Like most Ukrainians seeking refuge, the best option has been to get to the Hungarian, Polish or Romanian borders in western Ukraine. Even then, a tough battle lies ahead with blocked roads and active combat, Vlasenko said.
Russia has had an extensive history with Ukraine
Tatiana Kostadinova, a professor in the Department of Politics and International Relations at Florida International University, said the attack is “not a big surprise,” to experts studying about the region.
Kostadinova referred to the 2014 annexation of Crimea by Russia. With Russian military force increasing on the eastern border, it was only a matter of time before the invasion took place.
Ukraine has been attacked from all possible directions by the Russian army, Kostadinova said, describing last week’s move as a “full scale war.” In the midst of war, local residents have bound together to let their voices be heard regarding the attack on Ukraine.
A rally of a few dozen people in the Ukrainian-American diaspora took place Saturday at the Old Capitol in an effort to show solidarity with the Ukrainian people.
Additionally, a collection of faith leaders held a prayer service Sunday at Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, for a peaceful resolution of conflict in Ukraine.
“Even though the situation is very bad, Ukrainians are not panicking,” said Vlasenko. “People are staying strong and people are trying to understand what they can do to help.”
Contact Democrat Writer Mariah Wiggs at or follow her on Twitter @WiggsMariah.
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