Kentucky’s Jaqueline Coleman on women who inspire her, biggest issues

In celebration of Women’s History Month, Henderson’s Rotary Club welcomed Kentucky Lt. Gov. Jaqueline Coleman to speak at its weekly meeting on Thursday.

Coleman, a former teacher and basketball coach from Mercer County, spoke to the group about issues facing working women, including pay equity and the lack of accessible, affordable childcare.

“And yet, women do what we’ve done for centuries – we soldier on. Because our families and our communities and this Commonwealth need us now more than ever,” she said at the meeting.

Coleman said she and KeGov. Andy Beshear will soon announce plans to grow the availability of high-speed internet in rural Kentucky.

Coleman is the founder of the nonprofit Lead Kentucky, which prepares college women in the Bluegrass State for leadership positions. She earned a master’s degree in political science from the University of Louisville and is currently pursuing a doctorate in Educational Leadership from the University of Kentucky.

She lives with her husband Chris and their three children in Frankfort.

Lieutenant Governor Jaqueline Coleman

Coleman spoke with The Gleaner about her background in education and the importance of women in politics.

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How and when did you know that you wanted to be in a leadership position, specifically in politics?

Coleman: I don’t know that I can exactly pinpoint a time, but I will say that it was…a bit of a natural evolution, because I started teaching high school government and dual credit political science. I was in the classroom and taught high school for about 13 – 14 years, and in that time (I) really started to become an unintentional advocate for students in public schools. It evolved into a position where I decided that I wanted a seat at the table where the decisions were made for the kids in our schools. So, long story short, that’s essentially how that happened.






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