One person really can make a difference in the world, but only if they are willing to try.
This is the mindset of an empathic 17-year-old Louisville high school student who is using his own expertise in computer science to provide fellow Kentuckians with the tools they need to start down a new career path.
Aditya Gollamudi, who goes by Adi, is a junior at duPont Manual High School in the Math, Science and Technology Magnet. He’s recently launched a curriculum of free online computer science lessons for adults called Path2Programming.
Gollamudi’s goal is to assist people, especially those living in Eastern and Western Kentucky, explore computer science and related career opportunities. He’s spent his spare time over the past two years designing an easy-to-understand series of classes that teach participants to code, website development, and the computer skills to start a new and lucrative career.
And did we mention Gollamudi has made the program completely free?
“It’s all about teaching people about the core concepts of programming. Our lessons walk you through the process of learning to code step by step, providing individualized attention and numerous resources to help you succeed,” Gollamundi told the Courier Journal. “We feel like this is a great solution for people who either have lost jobs or are looking to change careers. We give people the ability to expand their skillset, explore a new field and potentially find career options.”
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A lot of people ask Gollamundi if he created the Path2Programming for a school assignment but he says that wasn’t the case. He has spent hundreds of hours on the project simply because he feels it is a path forward for people who have run out of options.
“I was doing a lot of thinking during the pandemic and something I realized was that I have grown up with a lot of computer science resources at my fingertips but it’s not the same for everyone else,” Gollamundi said. “I just happened to start reading Facebook groups trying to help unemployed workers, especially those in the coal mining industry find work and that’s when I realized I had something I could offer.”
Gollamundi didn’t just create the curriculum, the high school junior also researched why similar programs hadn’t succeeded in providing users what they needed, and of course, he needed to get people to enroll. He recruited a couple of classmates, Smaran Alli, and Shreyas Malireddy, to help file for 501c3 status, create outreach flyers, and do some video editing.
Creating the content was the easy part for the computer science whiz kids, what they didn’t know was how to encourage people to enroll. This is the point where less enthusiastic dreamers might have thrown in the towel, but for Gollamundi, quitting was never an option.
For those who aren’t aware, most teenagers in 2022 don’t talk much on the phone — they’re more likely to text, use Snapchat and TikTok or other technology-driven methods of communication. Gollamundi figures he’s emailed over 400 non-profit organizations and people throughout Eastern and Western Kentucky to introduce his Path2Programming. He bought Facebook ads to promote his curriculum but nothing seemed to generate interest.
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“I just wasn’t getting anyone to sign up which was when I realized I was going to have to start cold calling, which was my last resort and really something I did not want to do,” he admits. “At first, it really wasn’t pleasant and I was scared.”
During one of his first calls to a nonprofit office, Gollamundi launched into his speel with the first person who picked up the phone. That person turned out to be a member of a cleaning crew rather than the manager of the office.
Still Gollamundi persisted. Over a period of three days, he made 200 phone calls and he hasn’t stopped.
“I have been calling anyone I can find in these different counties and they are putting me in touch with organizations that are helping to get the word out about Path2Programming,” he said. “I have learned an important lesson and that is when I actually talk to people, I am able to get a better understanding of what would work best for them. I have been able to adjust the lessons to fit those needs and I have met a lot of very kind and appreciate people.”
Today, Path2Programming is not only aiming to help adults working in the coal industry to expand their skill set and explore new careers, but the tiny organization has also begun cooperating with local nonprofit SOAR, to reach the youth in Eastern Kentucky.
“Specifically, we are trying to reach students in Lee county, the University of Pikeville, and other colleges throughout the state,” Gollamundi said. “We hope to open some doors and reach people across multiple generations allowing them the knowledge they need to pursue careers they might not have realized were attainable.”
It’s all been quite an accomplishment for a teenager working without a budget or previous knowledge of how to market his product. As he continues to add to his multi-episode lessons, available on YouTube, Gollamundi is also working to help find jobs for his students. He has reached out to businesses that need new employees in the computer science field.
“I know there are people who can benefit from my knowledge and I want to share that with them. I really want to bring free resources to people who don’t have as much as I do,” he said.
Reach Kirby Adams at or Twitter @kirbylouisville.
Learn more about Gollamundi’s Path2Programming on its Facebook page. Episodes of Path2Programming are now available on YouTube.
To enroll in the free course, text 502-775-9203 or email
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