COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) – It’s been days since LifeCare Alliance has been able to deliver meals due to this week’s winter storm, but volunteers continue working to get that food out.
It’s been a cold week in central Ohio, with snow falling and road closings, but now as the snowplows move through, a new group of volunteers is pushing through to help those who need it most.
Nearly 3,200 meals will be hitting the streets in five central Ohio counties.
For the first time in recent memory, the brakes were put on Meals on Wheels deliveries due to the storm, so to make up for lost time, LifeCare Alliance put out the call for extra help.
“We rarely cancel meals for any reason, especially in Franklin County,” said Tricia Strahler with LifeCare Alliance. “In under 24 hours, we were able to get from 13 volunteers for our weekend to up to over 50 and we’ve been overwhelmed.”
Barbie Pallo and her husband answered that call for volunteers. Having previously helped out, they know how crucial the Meals on Wheels service is.
“We’re also doing wellness checks to make sure they have running water, make sure they haven’t fallen, their utilities are on,” Pallo said.
A variety of frozen foods, drinks, and supplies – delivered with a warm heart, even when it’s cold.
“Our volunteers make this place run,” Strahler said.
LifeCare Alliance said it plans for events like this, sending each client a blizzard box. Inside those boxes are non-perishable food items to hold them over until they can get there.
LifeCare Alliance said it is always looking for volunteers. Click here to see how you can help.
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