COVID-19. Exploding stars. Jet engines. Diamonds and fusion energy.

These and other scientific challenges are being addressed by users of Summit, the nation’s most powerful supercomputer, which is located at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Perhaps most important, codes written for Summit, the second most powerful supercomputer in the world, have provided valuable information in the search for promising drugs to combat the COVID-19 disease that has killed more than 800,000 Americans.
Bronson Messer, director of science at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility at ORNL, spoke about Summit’s scientific successes during a recent virtual talk to Friends of ORNL (FORNL) on “Computational Science at the Dawn of the Exascale Era.”

He also described the Frontier supercomputer under construction at ORNL. This exascale machine will be capable of a quintillion calculations per second — that is, a billion times a billion floating point operations per second, or FLOPS (e.g., addition or multiplication of numbers with decimal points). When Frontier begins fully operating at the end of this year, it will be five times faster than the most powerful supercomputers in use today.
According to Messer, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project will focus on national problems in six strategic areas: health care (e.g., cancer research), national security, energy security (wind turbines, small modular reactors), economic security (additive manufacturing, power grid planning, earthquake risk assessment) and scientific discovery (prediction and control of material properties).

Messer is a computational astrophysicist with degrees from the University of Tennessee, where he was a member of the college bowl team that won the national championship. He also appeared on the “Jeopardy!” TV quiz show.
He talked about projects in computational astrophysics that he has been working on using Summit and plans to work on using Frontier. He noted that all the chemical elements on Earth, “from iron in your blood to gold in your jewelry,” were believed to come from a single exploding star (supernova) before the solar system formed. One of his projects has been to trace the origins of elements that “have been cooked up by shock waves” in supernovae.
“Because of graphics processing units and the large amount of memory we have on Summit and eventually Frontier, we can expand our simulations of element formation from 13 to 160 different nuclear species,” he said.
Astronomers have observed nickel bullets spun out by supernova explosions. A graduate student on an ORNL team simulated the formation of nickel-60 bullets that move faster than other nuclear species in exploding stars.
Coronavirus drugs
A collaborative research team from ORNL and other national labs is using artificial intelligence and computational screening techniques at Summit, in combination with experimental validation, to identify and design drug therapies to target the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2 virus) in the body. The goal is to prevent this novel coronavirus from causing or spreading COVID-19.
Messer said that researchers used Summit to screen a million drugs to determine if any could be repurposed to block the coronavirus from entering or replicating in human cells.
“We found 17 out of the first 22,000 we screened that were worthy for follow-up in the lab,” he added.
He noted that Summit is exceedingly capable of accurately predicting transformations in the coronavirus’s spike protein. Researchers use molecular dynamics, a computational technique that calculates electrostatic interactions between atoms and molecules.

“The spike protein is what the virus uses to gain access to the human cell,” Messer said, comparing each spike protein protruding from the ball-like virus’s surface to a key that inserts itself into, or binds to, the human cell’s ACE2 receptor. “The spike protein unlocks the receptor, injects the viral RNA payload into the human cell and uses the cell’s machinery to replicate the virus.”
Simulations of the spike protein indicate that it moves and changes shape as its top opens in response to glycol groups it pulls in to shield it from human antibodies. One team using Summit computationally designed antibody molecules that blocked the binding of the spike protein in a simulation.
“A monumental computational feat on Summit was to model the whole coronavirus protein coat, which has hundreds of millions of atoms,” Messer said, attributing the prize-winning accomplishment to a team from the University of California at San Diego and other institutions. “The most comprehensive simulation of the virus performed to date earned the prestigious Gordon Bell Special Prize for High Performance Computing–based COVID-19 Research from the Association of Computing Machinery.”
Diamond lovers might find exciting this piece of research by a University of South Florida team that used practically all of Summit’s resources to simulate carbon at extreme temperatures and pressures. Messer described this work as “a real tour de force,” noting it was a Gordon Bell Prize finalist.
“What the team found is that under extreme conditions a shock wave is formed once the diamond crystal lattice is broken. The crystal heals itself under the heat by turning into amorphous carbon, like coal, and then finally converting back to the hexagonal structure of diamond.
“This finding is important for inertial confinement fusion energy in which hydrogen fuel is kept inside a diamond capsule and nuclear fusion reactions are initiated by compressing the collapsing diamond shell. It is also important for uncovering the internal structure of carbon-rich planets like Uranus.”
Summit has also been used successfully to model turbulence — the violent or unsteady movement of air, water or other fluid. Most of us are familiar with the air turbulence that causes airplanes to shudder. Messer provided these examples of turbulence studies using Summit.
The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting and ORNL researchers simulated changes in Earth’s atmosphere for a full season at 1 square-kilometer grid-spacing (instead of the usual 9 square kilometers). Water evaporation, cloud formation and precipitation can be resolved only at the scale of a square kilometer.

A team of General Electric and University of Melbourne researchers obtained an unprecedented, detailed understanding of how turbulence at a gas turbine blade’s edge dissipates heat. Such information may help GE create conditions in jet engines that make them more fuel efficient. If a 1% reduction of fuel consumption can be achieved across an airline’s fleet of jets, the airline would save $1 billion a year in fuel costs and emit 1.5% less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
A General Atomics team used Summit to simulate energy loss in fusion plasmas caused by plasma turbulence. The research should help inform the design and operation of ITER, the world’s largest tokamak under construction, so that particle and heat losses are minimized, thus advancing the effort to design the world’s first commercial fusion power plants.
For the first time, equal amounts of both deuterium and tritium, the hydrogen isotopes that fuel fusion plasmas, were modeled. It was predicted that only tritium migrates to the middle of the plasma where it is better confined by magnetic fields than is deuterium. The predictions were verified by experiments at the JET fusion test facility in England.
Summit also was used to simulate a two-dimensional, single layer of atoms of germanium selenide, which has unique electrical and optical properties that make it a good candidate for use in electronic devices and optical sensors.
“Germanium selenide is an interesting nanomaterial because it can absorb and emit light in precise ways,” Messer said. “If you make a 2D sheet of its atoms, it reacts differently from the 3D bulk material.”
Supercomputer simulations of the 2D nanomaterial placed under mechanical stress showed with high precision how germanium selenide’s surface structure and response to light changes.
Shedding light on scientific questions that cannot easily be answered by lab experiments is what supercomputers like Summit and Frontier will do, thanks to the computer codes written to obtain scientific insight.
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