Try these Trivia games to stimulate your brain

While many consider Trivias as cross-athletic training for the brain, they can be quite fun to play with friends or by yourself. Topics could range from science, maths, or the arts, urging you to recall from past memory – things you might have learnt as a kid. It’s a casual experience, where answering the questions gives you a dopamine rush and losing doesn’t seem frustrating.

Even Netflix recently announced an interactive Trivia Quest game, which will take viewers through 24 questions every day for the month of April. Trivia could range from science to pop culture (possibly Netflix properties), and will be shared in a multiple-choice format. Until then, here are some fun Trivia games you could try out.

The Jackbox Party

Ever had one of those weekend games nights where you gather a bunch of friends and play fun board games? The Jackbox Party offers the same experience, albeit in an online digital format. It’s an entire series of installations where each pack comes with five in-built games that can be played remotely in large groups. Only one person needs to own the game, while others can simply join in by entering a “room code” via the official website, phone app, or through the game itself. Players will be tasked with solving puzzles, drawing, word games, and multiple quizzes. It also has a quirky in-game host and can be played in conjunction with Twitch, allowing viewers to participate.

Based on the popular American TV show, where two families compete to name popular answers to survey questions, the game can be played for free on Arcadium. The free online gaming website lets you play against randoms to compete for points and in-game money through a round-based system. The closest you can get to a survey answer, the more points you earn, which further translates to money. For a more interactive experience, you can try out the paid versions ($10) on Nintendo Switch, Xbox, and PlayStation, which adds a virtual host, custom characters, and the venue. It also features a classic mode, where you can compete against an AI and learn the general rules.

While waiting for an update to finish downloading, one can easily pop open Discord, hit screen share, and start playing this browser trivia game with friends. This game offers 6 categories to choose from – arts, science, entertainment, history, geography, and general knowledge. On the screen, you will see a set of cards just laying around. The screen sharer could play host and ask questions to the other members and reveal answers by flipping over the cards. And it is endless – you can keep scrolling and continue to be greeted with new questions.


As the name implies, TriviaMaker lets you create and host your own fun virtual show. Members join in through the in-built video calling function, and the user picks from 4 different game styles – grid, trivia, list, and wheelspin modes to create and assign questions. The app is mostly used by teachers to create an engaging classroom experience and it even offers hundreds of pre-made games to choose from. Participants simply need to enter the URL and it does not ask for any login credentials. TriviaMaker can be downloaded from the Android and iOS app stores and can be played on a browser as well.

Trivia Crack

Trivia Crack starts with multi-coloured wheelspin, containing a range of topics. Players can choose to answer the question to earn points and progress or get three additional chances to spin the wheel, in case they get a topic they have bare knowledge about. There is a multiplayer element as well, allowing you to match up against randoms online and try to answer the same questions with a time limit. The upcoming Netflix trivia game we mentioned above is based off this, and it is available to download on Android and iOS.






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