If you’re like most Americans, you are sick and tired of our nasty politics.
This isn’t speculation. A Public Agenda/USA Today poll just this December showed that 3 of every 4 Americans want people to “reject political hostility and divisiveness and focus more on their common ground.”
But you didn’t need a polling service to tell you that. You’ve seen it in the eyes of regular people who would rather jump out the window than listen to their cranky neighbor or read another Twitter troll prattle on about the libs or the conservatives.
It’s beyond exhausting now. It’s downright dangerous. Our political division is becoming a threat to our democracy. What’s strange is that most people who are worried about this don’t use what might be the most powerful tool to fight it: voting in political primaries.
Consider these numbers. In Dallas County in 2018, nearly 55% of registered voters turned out in the general election. In the primary that year? Just 16.8% showed up. How about 2020, when the presidency was on the line? About 66.5% of Dallas County voters let their voice be heard. But in the primary? Just 24.5%.
Now, where is it that the worst ideas and the most partisan people are typically rewarded in elections? In the primaries. Politicians who otherwise present as normal people willing to accept compromise are transformed into mouth-frothing extremists in primaries. They almost have to if they want to survive politically because they know they will be attacked by candidates who stake out the party fringe and rise on the lift of social media nonsense and cable news entertainment.
It’s a crystallization of what William Butler Yeats promised all of us in “The Second Coming,” his poem about the rise of disorder and the threat to civilization that was World War I: “The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.”
If you want to see passionate intensity, look at the statements candidates are making about people from their own party in the primaries. It would be a joke if the consequences weren’t so serious, because many of the people who show up to vote in primaries? They believe this stuff.
So if you are sick and tired of it all, do something important tomorrow. Find out which candidates are about solutions and working for all people, not only their party base. If you want a place to start, we worked hard to recommend those sorts of people. Then, go get as many of your friends together as you can who feel the same way and go vote.
It’s the best way we can make sure extremism doesn’t win.
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